Monday, September 24, 2012


I had my first weigh-in yesterday. I started at 251 a week ago, and now I am down to 247.

I have to admit, I was pretty disappointed. I was hoping to lose at least 5 pounds my first week. I suppose at least part of the problem was having my splurge night the night before weigh-in. Of course, to be able to even have a splurge night and still lose 4 pounds in a week is pretty awesome.

I'm finding that being on a diet is sort of a chore so far. I have to plan my meals, record everything I eat, and research nutritional information in order to make informed decisions about what I am eating. I'm sure this will get easier as time goes on, but for now it's a pain in the behind!

I've actually started walking my dogs, which is pretty cool. Yes, dogs are SUPPOSED to be walked, but I was always too lazy/too tired/in too much pain to actually do it.

I started off with about a 15 minute walk last Sunday and increased that gradually throughout the week so that yesterday we walked for an hour! I was pretty impressed with myself and my dogs for that one. There is a bike path about a block from my house, and walking on the trail didn't give me the option of cutting through a block as I could have when I only walked around the block. Anyway, my dad has a bike trail map and estimates we must have walked 2.5-3 miles. That's pretty awesome, that has to be the most exercise I've gotten since I don't know when.

Fall is perfect walking weather - not too hot and not too cold. I'm really hoping I can develop a STRONG habit and routine of walking the dogs before winter hits. I HATE to be cold, so it will take A LOT more motivation to walk in the cold and the snow.

I haven't gotten to a place yet where I look forward to walking the dogs, but I enjoy it enough while I'm doing it that I can see potential for it to be something I look forward to. Going for a long walk is FAR more enjoyable than going to the gym and working out. I despise the gym. I'm sure it's a necessary evil, but for now any exercise is good exercise.

I don't know how much better I feel physically yet, but I definitely feel better mentally. It feels good to be taking steps in the right direction to take control of my health.

I guess those are all my thoughts on this matter for now. I will keep you updated with my progress as a way for me to stay motivated.


  1. Hi Jennifer,
    You go girl! I know exactly what you are going through. I am at my top weight now (226). I was a chubby, teased little kid throughout grade/middle school. I thinned down to 120 during High School only because I walked everywhere. High School was 4 miles away, so I was walking 8 miles a day. Walking is the ONLY way that I have ever lost weight. I love food and I love to cook. I love trying new recipes.
    A year after I started grooming I got my first car and stopped walking everywhere. I started to gain about 10 pounds each year. Then came the yo-yo dieting. Then came running a business, working long hours, eating late, and having 3 kids. I gained 30 pounds with my last child and did not lose a pound of it.
    I have just started the 'Zumba' program and will try to stick with it if it does not kill me first. OMG it works every part of your body. (I like to dance so it does not feel like exercise) I don't let anyone into the room while I am doing it, because I look like the most uncoordinated thing you ever saw. lol
    I also started to walk my dogs about 3 weeks ago. I was not prepared for how much the unused muscles in my calves and shines hurt me, but that only lasted for a few days.
    I am trying to increase my speed walking, but I still tend to lose my breath if I go too fast.
    So hang in there. I am with you. I don't have a good track record with sticking with losing weight, but I am turning 50 in Jan and am determined to lose between 60-80 pounds. I HAVE to. I want to continue to groom for many more years, but my back and knees kill me. I don't want to be 60 and unable to move or groom.
    Oh, one thing that is really helping me is that I am eating small meals every 2-3 hours (so I never feel hungry) and drinking at least 4-5 16oz bottles of water a day. I am also taking green coffee supplements that are endorsed by Dr. Oz. It helps stop your body from absorbing sugar. No side effects.
    I am rooting for you!!
    Lisa, MFF

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your story, advice, and support, Lisa! I can use all the encouragement I can get. Like you, I love to eat. The nice thing about Weight Watchers is that most fruits and vegetables have no points, and splurging is built in. I would never be able to stick to a diet where I had to give up chocolate cold turkey!

      I do try to eat every few hours and drink a lot of water. I don't keep any soda or juice in the house and haven't for years, so drinking water is the one good thing I already do for myself.

      I'm staying away from all supplements. I'm bipolar, and one of the meds I'm on interacts with a lot of different things (including ibuprofen and prednisone) so I'd rather not take any chances with my mental or physical health.

      I love your blog so much, I'm very honored when you take the time to read mine occasionally.

      Again, thank you so much for your comments!
